Welcome Home Athena.....Um, or Lola or Ruby
If you have visited my blog before (Thanks you!!) then you have probably caught on that I am a cat lover. Self titled Crazy Cat Lady, and I wouldn't live my life any other way.
The opportunity to adopt this beautiful girl presented itself almost a month ago and we couldn't resist. She was described as a sassy, affectionate and cuddly 8 year old, retired Silver Persian Queen. A lap cat.
It was the last sentence that prompted Dave to immediately suggest we offer her a home. You see, I had two lap cats who passed away late 2012 (Gabe 12) and early 2013 (Bronte 16).... and my lap has been empty every since.
I drove the 8hrs to New Brunswick and back to pick her up, and immediately fell in love. I think she *may* have felt the same way about me, because when I transferred her from the travel carrier to my carrier she just got up and walked in.
We've been getting to know one another this past month, and I know this sounds corny, but she "fits". She gets along so well with our other 4 cats, its almost as though she's always been with us! (those of you with a multi cat household, know that this isn't always the case!)
She is lovely, sweet and a bit sassy... she meows like Chewbaca when she wants me to scratch her head. It is adorable.
She's 8years old, and doesn't know her name. So we were entertaining the idea of renaming her since Athena doesn't really suit her.... we've tried Ruby, Rue, and Lola is the current favorite.... but it may just evolve as we continue to acquaint ourselves.... I caught myself calling her "Chewy" the other days, so who knows ;-)
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