Tuesday, February 25

Creative Catch Up!

A couple of weekends ago I was in a total Stashbusting mood and was able to get a few layouts finished!  My stash is slowly working its way down, without bringing in too many new items (Although I couldn't resist Amy Tangerine and Dear Lizzy's new AC lines!)

My goal is to have a much more manageable stash, where I don't hoard anything for longer than a couple of months.  I have a tendency to buy items that I absolutely adore, and will hang on to it for years because I don't want to "run out" or "use it all up".... and really, what's the point in that?!

So my personal goal is not to be wasteful and re home the items I know I will never use...It's an ongoing process, and the change in my shopping habit is the toughest part!  I love so many new items, but I need to remind myself I don't need every single release! Ha!

So enough chatter.... here are the Stashbusting layouts I completed... all with product that is over a year old or more!

Thanks for stopping by and catching up with me!