Wednesday, October 29

My new Whimsy Shop!

I'm very excited to announce the opening of my new craft shop where I will be selling my handmade jewelry, acrylic paintings and my new polymer clay buttons!

Huge thanks to the super talented and awesome Kristine for putting the entire site together for me in one day....all I asked was that there was hot pink and lime green....and voilĂ ! She built this perfect store (with new logo) that was EXACTLY what I wanted :) If it wasn't for all her hard work, this would have just been a passing thought on a Sunday morning...

Please wander over to the shop and take a look, if you are looking for any specific buttons/paintings/jewelry please email me, Custom orders always welcome!



Anonymous October 29, 2008 at 8:23 PM  

I am very much excited for you and your new venture! Congrats and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and MLBOW!

{ Hugs! }

Anonymous November 2, 2008 at 6:12 PM  

This is wonderful Stephanie and I am sending tons of good vibes your way..even though you won't need them. Love the look that Kristine has created for you...she's such a sweetie! Congrats and best wishes on your new endeavor!

Anonymous November 2, 2008 at 10:24 PM  

These are just fabulous!!!! Do you take email transfers???????