Wednesday, October 21

Twinkling H20 Process Video: Cat in the Valley

I love adding context/scenery to my kitty characters!  Here is a little Bengal kitty taking a stroll in a valley.  One day I'd love to draw a mini story/adventure, with a sequence of watercolor kitties.... but I need to learn how to draw different body poses for variation and interest.

I've been reading a book on perspective drawing this week, so hopefully this will get the ball rolling on that skill set.   

Here is the process video for my little spotted Bengal kitty... and you can see that I'm keeping it real!
I messed up when adding my ink, and I included my "fix" in the video. 

Making mistakes is all part of the learning curve, and for the first time in my life, I am embracing them.  The more mistakes I make along the way, the more interesting this adventure becomes for me and the more progress I make with my artwork.


*Supplies used: Twinkling H20s, Ink and Canson 140 Lbs watercolor paper


pam October 23, 2015 at 4:52 PM  

Oh MY !!! I have been pinning your fabulous art pieces on Pinterest when I see a link to your blog ... must go look. Then I click on your shop ... and you are in HALIFAX !! Just 2 hours away. Then when I start reading the kitty is in the valley - that's where I am. LOVE your art. Love it ! It is the cat's meow !! (sorry couldn't resist). Can't believe you are almost next door. I can't wait to go through the whole blog. Thanks !~!