Thursday, May 26

Catnip Crazy: Scrapbook Layout

Oh yes.  Catnip.  This stuff is very popular in our house!  Of all the 6 cats,  Athena is the most affected by the herb, she just goes BONKERS!!  I think it's adorable that my most subdued, well behaved, dainty little girl goes all "Spring Break Crazy" as soon as she gets a whiff of the stuff.

Earlier this year I received a care package from Joanne, one of my favorite online scrapbooking friends!  Joanne's a cat lover (and dog and turtle lover too!), so of course there was a cute gift for the kitties!  Athena claimed the catnip toys almost immediately, Here is proof!

This scrapbook layout was created using one of my last Studio Calico kits: Fairground and one of my favorite cut files from the JustNick cutfile shop!

Thanks for reading!