Monday, November 23

So Cute: Scrapbook Layout

Ralphie is such a dream to photograph!  His personality is very calm and relaxed, so even if he isn't snoozing he's fairly easy to capture.  However he doesn't always look at the camera, so I tend to have a wand toy handy to get his attention.  When he's being particularly cute (in good lighting of course), I take about 10-20 photos and this *usually* guarantees me one in focus shot. 

The layout is my usual "layered rectangle" style with borders.  I know, I know, I'm getting tired of it too... but its what suits my mood these days.  The supplies were from an older Studio Calico kit (Odyssey) I think) and I wish I had 100 of those kitty wood veneers!

Thanks for stopping by!


amarie November 23, 2015 at 12:33 PM  

what a nice fluffy cat! and a great LO