Saturday, June 25

Welcome Chaos....

Yes, I am still kickin' around....
We've been undergoing a few renovations in the house, particularly the basement where my computer/scrap/whimsy space I've been relying on my iPhone for the last 3weeks for my Internet connection! 

Here is the basement last week, see the new floors?  Love!  That piano was a BEAST to move around!

Our bedroom is also in the basement (I know, weird eh?) So here is is after we had the floors done in that section and moved ALL of Dave's office and my scrappy stuff into it...can you spy my scrappy table upended? What about the clip it up at the veeeeery  back? 

Here is my scrappy space after moving all of the big pieces in and emptying the boxes.  Yikes!  It still needs organizing and purging, however my computer is set up and I'm finally able to sit down comfortably and scrap!  The new laminate floors are divine and totally worth 3 weeks of chaos, now to go pack up the kitchen for the demolition guys on Monday! 

Thanks for visiting!